Melody Makers

Make Up Lesson Policy - Updated August 2022

There are two types of make up-credit, recycled time slots where someone has cancelled a lesson and make up days.

The make up credit system is there for two reasons, firstly to allow everyone some degree of flexibility and the second is to protect the teachers income.   The teachers nominate three days per term (usually one in half term and 2 in the major holidays).  We set the new set of make-up days when we do the timetable/invoicing, we teachers will also add more days if we are sick more than the allocated 3 days..

How to cancel a lesson

We now have now switched over to a slightly more automated system:

  • If you want a make up credit we must have at least 24 hours notice.  You may cancel a lesson by either: 

    • Cancelling verbally can be ambiguous, if you do cancel verbally, please do follow up to check that it has happened, we are only human and to have it written down is much more reliable!. 

    • Texting Claire on 07971224821, 

    • Or (preferably cancelling the lesson on the My Music Staff system).

  • The make up credit will be issued and will sit on the system for 365 days from the lesson missed, you may book through the portal at any time.

    • We will manually run a make up credit report each Monday, so that you will receive an email showing the next set of make up days and some sessions that are available in the next few weeks.  

    • Please be assured that although you will only receive one email when we run the report, the make up credit will be on the system and available to book any time. 

  • There will be a maximum of 2 make up credits per term, the only exception is prolonged medical conditions.

  • All make up credits are only valid for as long as you are on our register

Procedure If the teacher is sick

  • If a teacher has to cancel a lesson, we will email you as soon as we can with the heading “NO LESSON ??? DATE”. 

    • It’s really helpful when we get a response just to acknowledge that the message has been received.

  • Teacher is sick make up credits will not be included in the 2 make ups per term limit.

How to Book a make up credit

The simplest way to book a make up credit if via the portal, if you have any issues please come to Claire (

  1. Once you have logged in you will see the amount of make up credits on the front page. 

  2. Click on the blue button to go to ‘Calendar’.

    • You may also find the calendar by clicking on the  home icon in the top left corner.

  3. Scan through until you find either a ‘recycled’ time slot or and make up credit day that suits you.

  4. Click on the ‘Green Plus Man’ icon

  5. Click register to book that lesson, 

    • N.B. You won’t get confirmation that you have booked email, however you will be able to see it in your calendar once it is booked.  However, you will however get your usual reminder 24 hours before the session.

  6. Please note that for Claire and Steve’s lesson as they teach both Virtually and Face to face venues.  All the make-up lessons are booked as virtual lessons (due to the way the system manages the venues).  However if you’d like to change to a face to face lesson please book and then contact Claire/Steve directly, they will be happy to change.

As ever there will be a copy of this policy on every invoice, our website and available in the online resources of the portal